Monday, April 27, 2009

Early Spring Scooter trip.

I had a wild hair grow this spring. In March, I was thinking about getting the scooter out for a trip. I was trying to think about where to go? I saw an ad for the Bristol Nascar race. After some thought (about 30 sec), I mentioned my thought to a couple fellow scooter riders at the dept. The race was a couple weeks away and it was currently 20 degrees outside. They both looked at me with skeptical looks. I told them, here is the plan. On Thursday before the race, we would look at the weather and decide. If it was a go then we would leave on Saturday Morning, arrive in Bristol later that day, after riding the required 6 hours to get there. Find a spot to pitch our tents, scalp some tickets, go see the race and then return on Monday. Should be minimal cost and a good time. After 30 seconds thought on their part. One of the guys suggested that he knew some fellow co-workers that go every year and take campers down. He said that he would ask if they had room to put us up. They stay across the street from the track and it would be great. We decided, "Let's do it". Our plan was set. The guys with the camper said, " the more the merrier". All we had to do was wait until the Thursday before the race. And check the weather, Sunny, we go. Rain or Snow, we scrap the idea.
Thursday came and the weather was a go with clear skies and sunshine.
Saturday morning and we met at the fire house at 10am. All were ready with the scooter packed for a three day trip. It was 38 degrees, but promised to be in the 60's later. Now 6 hours on a scooter is not too bad but it was a cold start. We were dressed for the weather and good to go. We arrived in Bristol and found our camping buddies. We sit around the campfire that evening and enjoyed the company. On Sunday morning we went down to the track and found our tickets. And paid $5 less than the track price for each. The race was marginal, but something different to do. The weather was sunny and in the low 70's. The ride was what the trip was about and the opportunity to get away from the ever present dept. pager. Again another evening around the campfire with our buddies and then Monday morning, we packed up and again 44 degrees, we headed home.
We took the scenic route home and with a short detour (one of the bikes picked up a 5/8 bolt in the rear tire. We had to stop by a Harley dealership to get that replaced) we were on the scooters just short of 10 hours. The middle of the day was in the 70's and we shed some of our heavy outerwear. Nearing home, a stop for fuel, we replaced the gear as the temp was dropping with the sun. Back home and back into the 40's.
All in all, a great time and inexpensive weekend getaway.

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