Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4 trip with the wife

My wife and I went on a small trip over the weekend. Since the 4th of July was on Friday, it seemed like a good time to go away. Also since I have been seriously thinking about a bike (one with a motor), we stopped at this HD shop to "look".
And "look" we did. They had two nice looking bikes but one had 60,000 and the other had 70,000 miles. They must have been owned by some serious riders. The oldest one was a 97 model. I think I will keep looking. I am thinking I can find something in the 10,000 mile range. I have decided I can't take anything less than a Road King.

1 comment:

Firefighter said...

What! Nothing less than a road king. Shoot, I would ride a honda 500 if I had one.